Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parting, The Jordan River - 1700 Words
Parting the Jordan River In the spring of the year both Jesus and John the future Baptist, cousins (cousins, not brothers), had reached the age of seven. The boys wandered far from Nazareth and along the Jordan River just south of the big lake, they decided to play ‘Let My People Go’ featuring Moses and Pharaoh. Little Johnnie the Baptist as Moses, cried out in a loud, raspy voice, â€Å"Let my people go!†spraying spit as he spoke. And Jesus, as hard-hearted Pharaoh, replied in a harsh voice, â€Å"You mangy dogs, you slaves! No, no, no! Pharaoh has spoken, so let it be done.†â€Å"Well, my God will show you something!†shouted Moses, a.k.a. Little Johnnie the Baptist, with flecks of spit flying and he pushed his way past Pharaoh Jesus and†¦show more content†¦Little Johnnie waved and flexed his arms in a frantic effort to return the waters, but, alas, to no avail. Jesus, concerned that this might mean real trouble, set his child’s mind and his child’s faith to work, but, again alas, he too, was unable to cause the water to flow again in its riverbed. Jaws hanging open, both boys blinked hard several times in disbelief. Then Jesus took a cautious step down into the riverbed, but Johnnie stood rooted to his spot on the bank. â€Å"Come on, let’s look,†encouraged Jesus. â€Å"I can see it from here.†â€Å"No, c’mon!†â€Å"No!! My no means no!!!†â€Å"It’ll be okay.†â€Å"NO!!!†He said it so strongly that he surprised Jesus and even himself at the strength of his statement. Then Johnnie shamefully admitted, â€Å"I am afraid of water.†â€Å"There’s nothing to be afraid of,†said Jesus holding out his hand. â€Å"I c-c-can’t,†said Johnnie. â€Å"What do you mean, ‘you can’t’?†asked Jesus. â€Å"I can’t swim,†confessed Johnnie. â€Å"You don’t have to swim,†said Jesus brightly. â€Å"Come on, take my hand.†So Johnnie, overcoming his feeling of dread, clasped Jesus’ hand and timidly stepped off the bank into the riverbed. Fear soon gave way to healthy curiosity and they gazed at the parted waters and then ventured down into the riverbed to see this wonder at close hand. They marveled at a school of silvery fish just inside the sparkling blue-green waters of the lake. A turtle with its stubby little legs swam across theShow MoreRelatedAbsalom : The Second Son Of King David863 Words  | 4 PagesDavid heard Absalom had been killed he cried out for his son. Dead Sea: It is a Salt Lake that is bordered to the east by Jordan, and bordered to the west by Israel and Palestine. 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