Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Conclusion of Corruption - 1522 Words
Pakistan and its Chronic Unemployment Pakistan is a nation that has been plagued by many problems throughout it’s more than 6 decades of existence. But one problem that has plagued it persistently is that of unemployment. It has an unemployment rate of 15.4% and ranks on 152/199 on the world employment table. Having one of the world’s largest populations also means that this 15.4% is a very large number in its own right. Now we know some basic problems as to why there is so much unemployment in our country, but there are also some problems that are not highlighted. Unemployment is defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) as the number of people, over 18, willing and able to find work at a certain wage rate, but unable to†¦show more content†¦The economy and country remain unsafe and unpredictable, and these are two conditions which would fail even the most lucrative economies in the world, let alone an already stumbling one. The government policies, have failed to help the economy and improve the security situation and due to that, the unemployment rate in the country remains one of the highest in the world. Another major problem is job saturation in the job market. Now you may ask, what this over saturation is. This is mostly concerned with a large number of people going for the same profession and there not being enough jobs for all of those people, hence causing most of them to remain unemployed. Pakistan does not have the highest or best of literacy rates and not everyone in Pakistan can afford to gain higher education. Those who do get higher education i.e bachelors or masters degrees, have a chance to not only work in their own businesses but also as a safety they have jobs to fall back on. This on paper would solve the employment problems for those people who have degrees under their belts but it does not. Why is this so you ask? Well the major reason is the mindset orShow MoreRelatedCorruption And Corruption Of Corruption Essay1313 Words  | 6 Pagesthe corruption by the leaders these have made a major impact corruption is one of the biggest global issues. Corruption can take place anywhere it can take place on sport games, countries, Bank and politics. Today corruption can start and cause war corruption can be seen in different ways people today are giving money to cops and business man to do dirty work for them which is called bribery. What is Corruption? Corruption is the misuse power which is used by the politics wrongly Corruption may includeRead MoreIs Corruption A World Issue?1397 Words  | 6 Pagesmuch of that information as possible to be able to share with the class as well as make an informed monologue about said topic. My topic of choice is corruption. â€Å"A world Issue can be defined as a situation or problem that occurs on a global scale that has long lasting impacts and requires a complex solution†(World Issues class 2015-2016). Corruption definitely occurs on a global scale. Not all of these instances involve major cases where corporate officials dressed in suits sit around a table andRead MoreFactors Contributing For Public Organizations1575 Words  | 7 Pages 3 Contributing Factors of Corruption in Public Organizations The contributing factors of corruption refer to that some aspects can increase the degree of corruption under the same condition of other aspects. These factors are various, this part will concentrate on two factors: the scale of public organizations; the gap between revenue and expenditure of fulfilling responsibility. 3.1 The Scale of Public Organizations The operation of public organizations need to spend considerable amounts ofRead MoreCorruption Of The Russian Government1606 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Over the past decade (from 2004 to 2014), political corruption in Russia government is gradually uncovered by some global medias and organizations. Such tendency not only repainted the entire landscape of Russia government, but also raised public awareness on the significance of preventing a greater deterioration of this political phenomenon worldwide. This report aims to prove such political phenomenon is unethical through the comparison with code of conduct, and to provide tangible measuresRead MoreHow Drug And Human Trafficking Differ From Traditional Security Threats1077 Words  | 5 Pagestrafficked commodities, states should reduce the supply and demand of the illicit industries. This essay will now discuss the state security challenges of corruption. Corruption is an important factor necessary for smuggling illicit commodities transnationally. Both Munro and Phil Williams support this in their texts, with Williams stating that, corruption is a ‘lubricant which allows organised criminal organisations to operate with maximum effectiveness’. As discussed in the previous paragraph, the drugRead MoreThe Restoration of Moral Order in Hamlet1683 Words  | 7 Pagesunlawful means, the natural order is ruined, and this leads to a state if corruption. The moral order is upset when the king, Old Hamlet is murdered. Old Hamlets murder upsets the divine right of kings and Denmark finds itself in a state of corruption. However the moral order is restored at the conclusion of Hamlet because political corruption is ended, justice is served, and the divine right of kings is restored. Political corruption can be a reoccurring problem in society. There have been many corruptRead MoreThe Central Park Five1248 Words  | 5 Pagesalso has unique responsibilities that deal with conduct and behavior. The PBS documentary: The Central Park Five, demonstrates two of the most common misconduct issues that the criminal justice professionals deal with noble cause and noble cause corruption. The film investigates the miscarriage of justice of four Black and one Latino teenager from Harlem, who were wrongly convicted of the brutal beating and rape of a white woman in New York Citys Central Park. The Police Perspective When this CentralRead MorePolitics, Realism, Liberalism And Liberty1507 Words  | 7 Pagesare often deemed to be effective or ineffective. This essay will refer to some concepts and theories such as Political Corruption, Realism, Liberalism and Liberty. It will explore the kind of things academics generally try to find out through studying politics to explore these topics and what they should possibly be looking for instead when studying politics. Political Corruption covers a broad spectrum of ideas and holds multiple definitions that exist only within their context, making it only relevantRead MoreEssay on Corruption in Africa524 Words  | 3 PagesMany unsolved problems in many African countries, but the issue of the rise of corruption are disturbing, and the amends it has done to the polity are vast. The fear of fraud leads to restrict movement of documents in offices, slow traffic on the highways, port congestion, ghost workers syndrome, queues at passport offices, police extortion tollgates and gas stations, vote irregularities among others. Even the nutty people on the road remember the devastation caused by bribery - the funds allocatedRead MorePublic Corruption Aimee836 Words  | 4 PagesCritical Essay Analysis Public Corruption Aimee L. Romero Kaplan University CJ340-02:  Applied Criminal Justice Ethics 1102C March 2011 Term Instructor: Lance Oakland Abstract Corruption is clearly everywhere around us with many forms and is a world-wide crisis. A day doesn’t go by that there isn’t a report in the media about some form of corruption by someone famous or internationally known, a Politian or an average every day citizen just perhaps
Monday, May 18, 2020
Definition and Examples of Philippics
Philippic is discourse (traditionally an oration) that is characterized by fierce condemnation of a subject; a diatribe or rant. The term philippic (from Greek philippikos) is derived from the virulent denunciations of Philip II of Macedon delivered by Demosthenes of Athens in the fourth century BC. Demosthenes is commonly regarded as the greatest orator of his age. See Examples and Observations, below. Novelist Donna Tartts Philippic Against Prescriptive Usage Michael Pietsch: Before I began editing your book, you sent a philippic against standardization. You declared that spell-check, auto-correct, and (if I recall correctly) even sacred cows like Strunk White and the Chicago Manual of Style are the writer’s enemies, that the writer’s voice and choice are the highest standard. Do you have advice for other writers confronted with editorial standardization?Donna Tartt: Was it really a philippic? I thought it was more a cordial memorandum.Pietsch: Two-thirds of the way through a set of notes to the copy editor, you wrote: I am terribly troubled by the ever-growing tendency to standardized and prescriptive usage, and I think that the Twentieth century, American-invented conventions of House Rules and House Style, to say nothing of automatic computer functions like Spellcheck and AutoCorrect, have exacted an abrasive, narrowing, and destructive effect on the way writers use language and ultimately on the language itself. Journalism and newspaper writing are one thing; House Style indubitably very valuable there; but as a literary novelist who writes by hand, in a notebook, I want to be able to use language for texture and Ive intentionally employed a looser, pre-twentieth century model rather than running my work through any one House Style mill. Tartt: Well--Im not saying that the writers voice is always the highest standard; only that a lot of writers who are fine stylists and whose work I love wouldnt make it past a contemporary copy editor armed with the Chicago Manual, including some of the greatest writers and stylists of the 19th and 20th century. (Donna Tartt and Michael Pietsch, The Slate Book Review Author-Editor Conversation. Slate, October 11, 2013) Paul Simons Simple Desultory Philippic I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.I been John OHarad, McNamarad.I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till Im blind.I been Ayn Randed, nearly brandedCommunist, cause Im left-handed.Thats the hand I use, well, never mind! . . .I been Mick Jaggered, silver daggered.Andy Warhol, wont you please come home?I been mothered, fathered, aunt and uncled,Been Roy Haleed and Art Garfunkeled.I just discovered somebodys tapped my phone. [Paul Simon, A Simple Desultory Philippic (or How I Was Robert McNamarad into Submission). Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme by Simon Garfunkel. Columbia, 1966] The Philippics of Demosthenes (384-323 BC) From 351 BCE, until his self-induced death by poison in 323 BCE (to avoid death at the hands of Philip of Macedons soldiers), Demosthenes turned his talents to public affairs, particularly to rallying the Athenian people against the imminent threat of invasion by Philip...The Philippics are speeches delivered by Demosthenes between the years 351 BCE and 340 BCE. There are four Philippics orations although Dobson doubts that the fourth is legitimate. The first two Philippics are calls to the Athenian people to resist Philip before Athens itself is threatened with domination by the barbarian from the north. The Third Philippic occurs after Philip has gained control of many parts of the Athenian empire and is about to march on the city of Olynthus. Demosthenes pleads urgently and desperately for a military mission to help the Olynthians and prepare for war. Despite his failure in rousing the Athenian people to arm themselves against Philip, Demosthenes Philippic orations are considered masterpieces of rhetorical invention and technique. (James J. Murphy, Richard A. Katula, and Michael Hoppmann, A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric, 4th ed. Routledge, 2014) The Philippics of Cicero (106-43 BC) With Julius Caesars assassination in 44 BCE Cicero re-entered a political arena that granted him an opportunity to renew his consular voice and use his Republican rhetoric, now against Caesars lieutenant Marcus Antonius. These Philippics allowed Caesar to revive his Demosthenic persona and to provide a capstone to his claim to be the near embodiment of the [Roman] Republic, boasting at the start of the Second Philippic that in twenty years there has been no enemy of the Republic who has not also simultaneously declared war on Cicero... Ciceros proscription by the triumvirs and his brutal murder showed that he miscalculated his rhetorics power to impose his image of the Republic upon this changed political landscape.Ciceros final stand on behalf of the Republic in his speeches against Antony secured his heroization as the orator who embodied the Republic and its values, his contradictions and compromises largely forgotten.(John Dugan, Rhetoric and the Roman Republic. The Cambridge Com panion to Ancient Rhetoric, ed. by Erik Gunderson. Cambridge University Press, 2009)Despite the final outcome, Ciceros fourteen extant orations against Antony (perhaps three more are lost) may be felt to represent his finest hour. . . . Cicero invokes a rhetoric of crisis, in which good is pitted against evil with no room for compromise (cf. Wooten 1983; Hall 2002: 283-7). Even his style has changed. Sentences are shorter, periodic structures less frequent, and main ideas are not kept in suspense until a sentence ends . . ..(Christopher P. Craig, Cicero as Orator. A Companion to Roman Rhetoric, ed. by William Dominik and Jon Hall. Blackwell, 2010) The Lighter Side of Philippics A PHILIPPIC*Down with that phrase soporific, bromidic--Whatever that is--Relic of days paleozoic, druidic--Whatever that is.Does one remark, in a tone unspectacular,I think the comet diffusely opacular,Some one will cry in the vulgar vernacular:Whatever that is!Curses on him who invented the sloganWhatever that is!Jump on his neck with an ensiform brogan--Whatever that is.Phrase without meaning, bourgeois and pestiferous,Phrase that is wearying, dull and somniferous,Here is anathema umbraculiferous--Whatever that is.*Whateverthatis. (Franklin Pierce Adams, By and Large. Doubleday, 1920)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parting, The Jordan River - 1700 Words
Parting the Jordan River In the spring of the year both Jesus and John the future Baptist, cousins (cousins, not brothers), had reached the age of seven. The boys wandered far from Nazareth and along the Jordan River just south of the big lake, they decided to play ‘Let My People Go’ featuring Moses and Pharaoh. Little Johnnie the Baptist as Moses, cried out in a loud, raspy voice, â€Å"Let my people go!†spraying spit as he spoke. And Jesus, as hard-hearted Pharaoh, replied in a harsh voice, â€Å"You mangy dogs, you slaves! No, no, no! Pharaoh has spoken, so let it be done.†â€Å"Well, my God will show you something!†shouted Moses, a.k.a. Little Johnnie the Baptist, with flecks of spit flying and he pushed his way past Pharaoh Jesus and†¦show more content†¦Little Johnnie waved and flexed his arms in a frantic effort to return the waters, but, alas, to no avail. Jesus, concerned that this might mean real trouble, set his child’s mind and his child’s faith to work, but, again alas, he too, was unable to cause the water to flow again in its riverbed. Jaws hanging open, both boys blinked hard several times in disbelief. Then Jesus took a cautious step down into the riverbed, but Johnnie stood rooted to his spot on the bank. â€Å"Come on, let’s look,†encouraged Jesus. â€Å"I can see it from here.†â€Å"No, c’mon!†â€Å"No!! My no means no!!!†â€Å"It’ll be okay.†â€Å"NO!!!†He said it so strongly that he surprised Jesus and even himself at the strength of his statement. Then Johnnie shamefully admitted, â€Å"I am afraid of water.†â€Å"There’s nothing to be afraid of,†said Jesus holding out his hand. â€Å"I c-c-can’t,†said Johnnie. â€Å"What do you mean, ‘you can’t’?†asked Jesus. â€Å"I can’t swim,†confessed Johnnie. â€Å"You don’t have to swim,†said Jesus brightly. â€Å"Come on, take my hand.†So Johnnie, overcoming his feeling of dread, clasped Jesus’ hand and timidly stepped off the bank into the riverbed. Fear soon gave way to healthy curiosity and they gazed at the parted waters and then ventured down into the riverbed to see this wonder at close hand. They marveled at a school of silvery fish just inside the sparkling blue-green waters of the lake. A turtle with its stubby little legs swam across theShow MoreRelatedAbsalom : The Second Son Of King David863 Words  | 4 PagesDavid heard Absalom had been killed he cried out for his son. Dead Sea: It is a Salt Lake that is bordered to the east by Jordan, and bordered to the west by Israel and Palestine. Josephus identified the Dead Sea in geographic proximity to the ancient Biblical city of Sodom but he called it by the Greek name Asphaltites. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley. The Jordan River is the only major water source that flows into the Dead Sea. It is 997 feet deep which makes it the deepest hypersaline lakeRead MoreThe Books Of Joshua And Judges Are Very Informative In1714 Words  | 7 PagesGod. First, it can be noted that they rejoiced in the miracles of God. These people had been only a generation removed from the events that occurred at the Red Sea. They had seen God provide for them in the wilderness. They witnessed the parting of the Jordan River, the collapse of Jericho’s walls, the fall of superior armies, and the conquering of a land filled with giants and stronger races. The people in Joshua had faith in accomplishing for God, and see ing His working warranted His place as firstRead More The Charismatic Age: First-Century Galilee Essay1924 Words  | 8 Pagesfollow him to the Jordan river. He said he was a prophet, and that at his command the river would be divided and allow them an easy crossing. Through such words he deceived many. But Fadus hardly let them consummate such foolishness. He sent out a cavalry unit against them, which killed many in a surprise attack, though they also took many alive. Having captured Theudas himself, they cut off his head and carried it to Jerusalem. (164) Theudas attempt to become the new Joshua by parting the waters ofRead MoreThe Abrahamic Covenant2589 Words  | 11 Pagesrevolt the Pharaoh instructs midwives to throw newborn boys into the river Nile. But the midwives feared God so did not obey the Egyptians and the Israelites continues to multiply and grow strong: â€Å"They were fruitful and prolific; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the land was filled with them†Out of this time Moses is born, saved by the Pharaohs own daughter after his mother has set him afloat in the river Nile in order to save him form the slaughter. Moses was unaware ofRead MoreFree Essay - Original Writing1881 Words  | 8 Pageshave pinned him down only to find that it was not a dung beetle I had in my hands, but a dragonfly. He has offended me by his coarseness and then overwhelmed me with his delicacy. He has been voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan. When I see him trotting forward to greet me, his little paws outstretched, his eyes perspiring, I feel that I am meeting†¦ No, this is not the way to go about it! Comme un ?uf dansant sur un jet d eau. He has only one cane – a mediocre one. InRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12166 Words  | 49 Pagesin which the story takes place Christmas timeâ€â€reinforces the theme of rebirth. If we see the story as a Christian allegory, then the marble cake that Jackson dreams of suggests the Communion wafers and her crossing of the cornfield suggests the parting of the Red Sea. Also, the soothing medicine which she gives to her permanently sick grandson can be seen as Gods grace, and Jackson herself as a Christ figure. In addition, the difficulties which Jackson endures on her way to Natchez can either representRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12173 Words  | 49 Pagesin which the story takes place Christmas timeâ€â€reinforces the theme of rebirth. If we see the story as a Christian allegory, then the marble cake that Jackson dreams of suggests the Communion wafers and her crossing of the cornfield suggests the parting of the Red Sea. Also, the soothing m edicine which she gives to her permanently sick grandson can be seen as Gods grace, and Jackson herself as a Christ figure. In addition, the difficulties which Jackson endures on her way to Natchez can either representRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesappropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201)748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, website To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945). Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data HartleyRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesSheffield Hallam University and Visiting Professor, Northumbria University AMSTERDAM †¢ BOSTON †¢ HEIDELBERG †¢ LONDON †¢ NEW YORK †¢ OXFORD PARIS †¢ SAN DIEGO †¢ SAN FRANCISCO †¢ SINGAPORE †¢ SYDNEY †¢ TOKYO Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 First published 1992 Second edition 1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 Third edition 2005 Copyright  © 1992, 1997, 2005, Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan. All rights reserved The
Managing Finance for Monthly Market Returns -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theManaging Finance for Monthly Market Returns. Answer: Daily market returns, monthly market returns and yearly market returns: Average Daily returns 0.07% Average Monthly average 1.46% Average Yearly returns 18.69% Total risk: Average Yearly standard deviation 1.24% Systematic risk: Beta 0.83 Unsystematic risk: Unsystematic risk 0.0107 Providing relevant suggestion: Depicting the basis of selection of this stock as good investment: The overall calculation is mainly conducted for ABM industries, where all the relevant return, risk and unsystematic risk are identified for the stock. This mainly helps in depicting the overall viability of the stock to provide higher returns from investment. The overall unsystematic risk and return of the sock is relatively adequate in terms of investment. The unsystematic risk is at 0.0107, while the yearly average returns are at 18.29%, which depicts viability of the overall investments. Marshall (2015) mentioned that overall evaluation of the unsystematic risk mainly allows investor to identify the risk from external forces such as government and regularities, which might hamper their returns. Depicting the reason behind investing all the money in stock or not: From the overall valuation of the calculation the investment scope within ABM industries could be identified. However, the investment in the company needs to be limited, as it has a higher beta of 0.83, which indicate the high risk involved in investment. However, the company is providing a average return of 18.69% on yearly basis, which might help in improving the overall return from investments. Therefore, investments of around 35% of the total investment value could be conducted with adequate diversification for reducing the risk from investment. In this contest, Pizzutilo (2015) mentioned that with the help of diversification method investors are mainly able reduce the overall risk from investment. Reference: Marshall, C.M., 2015. Isolating the systematic and unsystematic components of a single stocks (or portfolios) standard deviation.Applied Economics,47(1), pp.1-11. Pizzutilo, F., 2015. Isolating the systematic and unsystematic components of a single stocks (or portfolios) standard deviation: a comment.Applied Economics,47(58), pp.6277-6283.
Determining The Availability Of Deductions â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Determining The Availability Of Deductions? Answer: Introducation In the case of FCT V Rowe 1997 the issue that was addressed as to whether the legal expenses that have been incurred in defending the taxpayer in case of disciplinary action is deductible. In determining the availability of deductions, the Federal court referred to the case of Inglis V FCT.In that case; it was provided that the cost of proceeding brought against the public servant by the employer is allowed as deduction (Gitman et al.. 2015). In the current case, the facts are that Mr. Rowe is employed as engineer with the Livingstone Shire Council. He was suspended from the duty and was asked by the council to provide reasons why he should not be dismissed as several complaints were filed against him. In this situation, it can be said that Mr. Rowe has clear and Management threat that he would lose his employment. FCT v Stone (2005) In the case of FCT V Stone 2005, the issue is related to a sportswoman who is successful. The case is related to determination of various amounts received by her should and whether the amount received should be treated as the income received from the course of business activity. It can be seen that although there are certain differences but parallel can be drawn with the person carrying on the business and the sportsperson or artists (Braithwaite, 2017). However, it is important to make a distinction between the people engaged in the artistic or spots activity for pleasure and people engaged in professional activity. The professional persons should be able to make the distinction with the enthusiastic amateurs. The taxpayer enjoying the activity does not preclude the taxpayer from carrying on the business. The distinction is made based on the commercial end of the artist and sportsperson. In this case, it was accepted that the main motivation of the taxpayer was the pursuit of excell ence and the honor for the country (Forsyth et al., 2014). In the case of FCT V Stone 2005, it was decided by the court that the prize money and government grant received should be included as an ordinary income of the taxpayer. In this case, making profit was not the primary motive of the taxpayer but she was aware that success in sports would bring financial reward (Blakelock King 2017). The action of accepting endorsement means that she has turned her talent in sports into an activity for earning money. In this case, the receipt received from sports activity by Joanna Stone should be taxable as the intention was to make profit from the sporting activity. In the case of FCT V Rowe 1997 the ex gratia reimbursement is not included in the ordinary income (Cheshire et al., 2014). In order to determine or to calculate the tax liability it is very much essential to determine the residential status of the individual first. An individual is who liable to pay tax in a country of which he/ she is not a resident. In taxation, the word resident means place of abode of a person in the country for assessing income tax (Richardson et al., 2013). A person who is not a citizen of a country can be held a resident of that country subject to fulfilment of certain provisions. According to subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, an Australian resident refers to such individuals those who are Migrants, Student who is studying in Australia, Teacher who is teaching academics, working professionals may include pre-arranged contract of employment or may be visitor who came to visit Australia on holidays. In this report it is asked to determine whether Basil will be considered as a resident of Australia for the purpose of taxation or not. Financial process of determination of residential status can be completed in four simple step/ methods. The methods are described below: Primary or Ordinary Test; Domicile Test; Superannuation Test; 183 days Test. In is important to consider each one of the above tests one by one. Primary Test or Ordinary Test If an individual resides in Australia since birth and is not a resident of any abroad country then the individual will be considered as an Australian resident and he/ she will not need to perform any further residency tests. In this case, it is clearly stated that Basils permanent place of abode is in England and he came to Australia for the purpose of employment. Thus, Basil does not satisfy the condition states under ordinary test. Therefore, in order to prove his residential status Basil needs to appear for the other remaining tests. Domicile Test The word Domicile refers to that place where an individual have his/ her permanent place of stay or abode. As per Australian Taxation Office (ATO) an individual can be regarded as an Australian domicile only if his/ her permanent place of abode is in Australia. However if it is spotted by the Commissioner of Taxation in Australia that the individual stays at any foreign country despite of being a resident of Australia then the individual will not be considered as a Australian resident (Kucukvar et al., 2014). It is evident from the fact that Basil came to Australia in August 28, 2015 for employment purpose and prior to this he was staying in England of where he is also a resident. Thus according to the law, Basil cannot be regarded as an Australian resident as far as Domicile test is concerned. Superannuation Test According to ATO, superannuation test confirms that the working employees of the government of Australia who are posted abroad are considered as the resident of Australia. This test is clearly not applicable in case of Basil as he not an employees of Government of Australia and thus he does not qualify the superannuation test. As per guidelines mentioned in the ATO, if any individual remains in Australia for a period of more than or equal to 183 days or half an income year with breaks or without any break then that person will be considered as a resident of Australia since the time of his/ her arrival. It is found in the case that Basil came to Australia for employment purpose on 28th August 2015 to stay for about 3 years. Thus, it is evident that Basil satisfied the conditions required by 183 days test and hence he can be regarded as an Australian resident for taxation purpose since his arrival in Australia. The section 4-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 provides that an individual, company or other entity is required to pay tax on their taxable income. The section 4-15 of the Income Tax Assessment 1997 clearly provides that taxable income should be calculated by deduction allowable deductions from the assessable income. The assessable income can be classified into ordinary income and statutory income. The section 6-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 provides that income according to the ordinary concept is known as ordinary income and it should be included in the assessable income. The income that is not an ordinary income should be included as a statutory income as per section 6-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The income that should be included in the assessable income is dependent on the residential status of the taxpayer. It is provided that under 6-5 and 6-10 of the Income tax Assessment Act 1997 income received by the resident taxpayer from all the sources sho uld be included in the assessable income. On the other hand, if the taxpayer is not resident then income from Australian sources are only taxable. In this case, as discussed earlier Basil should be treated as resident for the purpose of tax. Therefore income received by Basil should be treated accordingly and it is discussed below: The salary income received should be included in the assessable income. The basic salary of $12000 per month should be included in the included in assessable under section 6-5 of the ITAA 97. The section 15-2 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 states that allowances and benefits provided by the employer to the employee should be included in the assessable income. The rent subsidy received from employer is a fringe benefit and should be included in the assessable income (Lignier et al., 2014). The motor vehicle is provided for the personal benefit so it is a benefit provided by the taxpayer and should be included in the assessable income. This should be included in the assessable income as per section 5-2 of the ITAA 97. The phone account paid by the employer is a benefit and should be included in the assessable income. The holiday trip was received as performance award and should be included as the assessable income. Basil is regarded as a resident of Australia for the tax purpose hence income from any source should be included as the assessable income. The income received from rent of house in England should be included as an assessable income. The dividend income should be included in the assessable income. The gain made on England and Australian shares should be included in the assessable income. The income received from selling antique chair should be included in the assessable income Reference Blakelock, S., King, P. (2017). business law: The advance of ATO data matching.Proctor, The,37(6), 18. Braithwaite, V. (Ed.). (2017).Taxing democracy: Understanding tax avoidance and evasion. Routledge. Cheshire, L., Everingham, J. A., Lawrence, G. (2014). Governing the impacts of mining and the impacts of mining governance: Challenges for rural and regional local governments in Australia.Journal of Rural Studies,36, 330-339. Forsyth, P., Dwyer, L., Spurr, R., Pham, T. (2014). The impacts of Australia's departure tax: Tourism versus the economy?.Tourism Management,40, 126-136. Gitman, L. J., Juchau, R., Flanagan, J. (2015).Principles of managerial finance. Pearson Higher Education AU. Kucukvar, M., Egilmez, G., Tatari, O. (2014). Sustainability assessment of US final consumption and investments: triple-bottom-line inputoutput analysis.Journal of cleaner production,81, 234-243. Lignier, P., Evans, C., Tran-Nam, B. (2014). Tangled up in tape: The continuing tax compliance plight of the small and medium enterprise business sector. Richardson, G., Taylor, G., Lanis, R. (2013). The impact of board of director oversight characteristics on corporate tax aggressiveness: An empirical analysis.Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,32(3), 68-88.
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