Friday, September 4, 2020
Why are there many translations of the bible is an advantage and Essay
For what reason are there numerous interpretations of the holy book is a bit of leeway and disservice - Essay Example glish has been the predominant language for a considerable length of time and the interpreting gathering (distributers and Bible researchers among others) utilize various strategies to deliver different forms that upgrade peoples’ appreciation of the lessons. Pundits point on the dependability of the Bible interpretations contending that it contains twisted implications and expressions of God. There is the dynamic equality strategy which lays accentuation on the first significance, formal identicalness on word by word (Wallace 23). Be that as it may, as opposed to concentrating on the linguistic substance in interpretations, the issue emerges in attempting to guarantee the emblematic language utilized in the first material of interpretation bodes well after rewording and changes. The benchmark is to guarantee that however dialects may change, the expression of God despite everything stays unaltered. The Greek New Testament has been reprimanded for its literary underpinnings that showed a takeoff from the got Greek content. When Westcott Foss and Fenton John Anthony distributed the Greek New Testament, they considered the accessible old compositions that have been found to have missed certain entries (â€Å"Why so,† Numerous Biblical interpreters have neglected to credit crafted by these men, in spite of the way that they laid a column in Biblical interpretation works. Their work has been professed to be great, however encompassed by discussion on their logical inconsistency from the first sources. Westcott and Anthony utilized two wellsprings of the compositions that originated from codex sinaiticus and vaticanus, accepted to be bogus duplicates of the New Testament. Scrutinizes hold that they involve the fifty adulterated original copies purposely tainted by Eusebius to satisfy the request for neo-agnostic sovereign Constantine; the two compositions negate ea ch other variously, however 99 percent can't help contradicting other Koine Greek original copies (â€Å"A concordance,† Contemplating the variant, there is rising uncertainty from the logical inconsistencies and presenting errors that exist,
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Kounin Model Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Kounin Model - Research Paper Example It underpins my very own way of thinking of study hall the executives which can be summarized as unobtrusive instructor control through early intercession. The fundamental thought behind Kounin’s model is that study hall the executives should set up conditions which urge the entire class to focus on their work, as opposed to manage discipline issues in a responsive manner. The educator ought to know about what's going on consistently, and ought to envision any rising circumstances before they grow into genuine conduct issues. When the educator has permitted interruptions to get the advantage in a homeroom, at that point the control issue turns into the â€Å"elephant in the room†(Ratcliffe et al., 2010, p. 306) and powerful learning chances are lost while educator and understudies the same arrangement with that control issue. The specific commitment that Kounin made, was to concentrate on anticipation as opposed to fix, as a method of moving toward homeroom the executi ves, calling attention to that both effective and less fruitful instructors were similarly acceptable at managing conduct issues when they emerge, however that the effective educators were greatly improved at keeping them from emerging in any case. (Baloglu, 2009, p. 70) This anticipation point, consequently, is the way to being the best kind of instructor. An ongoing experimental investigation analyzed recollections that 148 undergrad pre-administration instructors have on the superb homeroom the executives techniques they have encountered over the span of their own training (Balli, 2011). The motivation behind this examination was to discover what students’ own convictions were, before they were presented to speculations on their training degree course, and see what kind information they had assembled, and what was still to be obtained. One intriguing finish of the paper was that understudies had a decent handle of, and extraordinary gratefulness for, minor departure from A ssertive Discipline Models, however they had less attention to the Kounin ideas, for example, withitness, bunch the board and smooth changing starting with one action then onto the next. (Balli, 2011, p. 249) This shows Kounin’s thoughts are not in any manner self-evident, and that they influence youngsters in an unpretentious manner that may not be cognizant. I would say it is exactly the implicit subtext of homeroom connection that decides how successful the instructing and learning becomes. Unmistakable instructor restraining, for example, singling out one understudy and censuring them for a specific activity, communicating disappointment or in any event, yelling at the class, are limits which numerous educators need to use so as to simply pass on directions against a foundation of turbulent understudy conduct. It is vastly improved to have a scope of mediation choices to utilize, for example, the unobtrusive procedure which Kounin calls a stop. This need not be a verbal c hoice. An instructor could, for instance simply approach a specific student’s work area or take a gander at a specific understudy, while continuing with the general exercise, and this is adequate to make the class mindful that the educator is alert and seeing what is happening. In instances of mindlessness or murmuring in the back column, this might be sufficient to bring understudies in the groove again. In the event that all the more diverting conduct happens, at that point an acceleration to verbal remarks, or individual discussions can happen, however in my view the more unpretentious prompts are better, since they don't
Friday, August 21, 2020
The role that Competition authorities may play in correcting market Essay
The job that Competition specialists may play in amending market disappointments and encourage rivalry - Essay Example Additionally, with the declaration of progressively liberal exchange, customers would now be able to appreciate better arrangements from different makers as the bunch of neighborhood and worldwide firms progressively contend based on better evaluating and greater quality. In addition, as an ever increasing number of firms enter the market, organizations are truly compelled to develop so as to serve their market better. Vital to this is rivalry. Fundamentally, the globalization has enormously helped in leveling the exchange boundaries wherein the area is currently scarcely a wellspring of upper hand. This has likewise been extraordinarily helped by the a long ways of innovation which has encouraged tremendous upgrades in transportation and correspondence. Be that as it may, regardless of these advancements, areas stay significant when enterprises bunch on these territories. These enterprises store up in specific regions which can fortify the different ventures inside them so as to be increasingly beneficial and by coordinating and thinking development just as the incitement of the introduction of new undertakings in the region (Porter, 1998). All things considered, vital to this undertaking is the opposition or all the more precisely the nearness of rivalry. Chang and Harrington (2003) perceive the significance of the degree of rivalry that can be achieved by firms that can advance significantly and keep up a worldwide nearness. Before the beginning of globalization, numerous organizations are cozily working inside their domains and snuggled by their legislatures. Be that as it may, these days, numerous worldwide firms have extensive capacities all around which urges advancement to achieve quality and simultaneously cut down expenses. Once more, all these are just conceivable if firms can contend unreservedly and decently. Consequently, there are different rivalry specialists that attempts to guarantee that opposition stay sound inside a nation. Segment A Compet ition Authority Among the principal issue that most rivalry specialists attempt to handle is the issue of antitrust. At the end of the day, in spite of the fact that development is extraordinarily energized in the free market and that development of organizations are commonly ideal for the economy, certain organizations can store up more noteworthy market and control through mergers and acquisitions that, whenever left unchecked, could result to a union of the business to just one significant player. In such a situation, there is a powerful pulverization of rivalry which can prompt wasteful aspects. There are situations when cartels are framed or the predominant player incites rehearses that may hurt rivalry, for example, savage valuing. Ginsburg and Wright (2010) relate around two obstructions to such practices which are the conventional and punishment discouragement. In their examination, it very well may be gathered that the power of punishments and guideline play significantly s o as to keep up balance in a market and to guarantee the soundness of the opposition inside that industry. UK and Competition The United Kingdom (UK) stays as one of the most serious nations on the planet with the exception of a slight relief in the previous years when the nation was reeling from the impacts of the Great Recession. As of late however, the nation has recovered its spot in the main ten alongside other European nations. Taking a gander at the rundown which incorporates Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands unmistakably Europe is an inside for seriousness. In spite of the fact that the UK was incidentally expelled from the best ten, the nation had the option to bob back fuelled by its solid
Dinner Party :: Personal Narrative Companies Business Papers
Evening gathering I ventured into my dinning room where I had been considering the table throughout the day. I needed everything to be simply so. I looked at the spot settings for the hundredth time, attempting to choose if I ought to sit Alfred Zingale and Matthias Arndt close to one another. It wasn’t that I was stressed over clashing perspectives, really it hushed up the opposite, and I didn’t need them to have the option to twofold group different visitors. At last I concluded that since they have basically similar sentiments, I wouldn’t separate them. In my psyche they come as a unit since they had co-composed a book. The spot cards had been set and I decided that I would do no additionally improving. I twisted around the table in my dark sleeveless dress and lit the dark red candles that were expanding upward out of the decorative design. The visitors would show up soon and I started to thoroughly consider the entire circumstance. Every individual has composed a book about t he website business, how they can be fruitful just as how to put admirably in one. I was planning to get familiar with a ton of data so I could settle on a decent choice on whether my organization would profit by being on the web. These contemplations floated through my head until the doorbell rang. I made the way for a short stout lady with rosy earthy colored hair in her late 40’s was remaining on my stoop. She wore a light green dress suit, yet looked very alluring. She expanded her arm, shook my hand and presented herself as Anita Rosen. As the main lady who was going to the evening gathering that night, it was a given what her identity was, however no different she was very lovely. John Cassidy was close to show up. He resembled the run of the mill â€Å"guy next door†type. I wager he could have been pulled directly from a magazine. He wore a blue sew sweater vest. When he was in the entryway, the chime rang for the last time. Zingale and Arndt remained at the entryway. Zingale was flimsy with a mustache, dark hair separated as an afterthought. Arndt wore glasses, was shorter and a lot plumper.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Establishing Your Argumentation Essay Topics
Establishing Your Argumentation Essay TopicsIn your research or in writing an argumentative essay, you will come across many topic choices for you to choose from. Each of these topic choices will have a focus and point that will be the focus of your entire argumentation essay. The point of your essay will directly influence the style of the whole thing as well as the structure and flow of the entire piece.Before you start to start writing, you should decide what types of essays you will be writing for your topic. How is the argumentation essay topic going to apply to your specific career? Some topics will be more geared towards the business side of things, while others may have a more political bent to them. You will also want to determine if the topic that you are choosing is going to be applicable to your area.After you have made your decision, there are going to be many different topic choices that you will be able to choose from. However, there are only so many options. By being a little bit organized, you can narrow down the choices that you have on your hands.You can begin to determine your argumentation essay topics by reading the title or topic that the paper is assigned to write. Check the paper closely to see if there is any word repetition or other repetitions that are going to occur. Pay attention to how this theme was applied to another topic. Then, search for all of the other arguments that were presented as well.Try to create a thesis statement for your topic as well. This is a statement that states exactly what you are going to be talking about when writing. It should be descriptive, not necessarily factual. By making your thesis statement concise, it will be easier for you to think of the rest of your argumentation essay.Argumentation essay topics are made up of several components, and each of these components should have a focus and point to it. The whole idea is to make a statement that supports the structure of the entire argumentation essay . So, you should make sure that the statement is in line with the overall structure that is needed to make the whole argumentation essay.There are a number of good and effective resources for determining which argumentation essay topics you should choose. Most of these resources will contain a number of examples of topics that are already out there and available to you. In addition, they will list the arguments that are often used in these types of papers.Once you have come up with a list of argumentation essay topics that you are going to work with, you will need to sort through the list and determine which of the topics fall under those categories. You should choose the one that is most appropriate to the main topic. You will then begin to make your outline.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
But is it ART - Literature Essay Samples
In his free-form documentary F for Fake, Orson Welles, through interview, speculation and illusion, states that art itself can in no circumstance be purely â€Å"genuine†in the traditional sense, and that truth, by nature, is relative, and, in many instances, irrelevant. The art world, and art itself, as Orson Welles presents it, is by no means genuine. In the modern age, the quality of art, as driven by the art market, depends not on aesthetics and beauty, but the recognition of the artist and the prestige of the work. In short, the value of a piece determines its quality. So-called â€Å"experts†in the field of art determine whether or not a piece is genuine, and with the â€Å"wave of a hand,†a foolish expert can price a forgery well above its â€Å"correct†worth. Such circumstances have brought about the existence of men such as Elmyr de Hory, the art forger nestled away on the sleepy island of Ibiza. He makes his living imitating and plagiarizing works of others, and infiltrates the art market with his own forgeries. Though validated by the â€Å"experts†controlling the museums and art markets, several forgeries crafted by Elmyr find their way into prestigious collections and public art galleries. The presence of such â€Å"fakes†, as Welles likes to describe them, tarnishes the original works present elsewhere. Such a thought does not bother Elmyr, who smugly replies, â€Å"I don’t feel bad for Modigliani, I feel good for me.†Why shouldn’t he feel good for himself? His acts of defiance essentially deface the entire concept of an â€Å"expert†of art, an art market, and the simple act of putting a price on a painting. Elmyr and his colleagues quietly hijack the art world every time they approach the canvas. The silent, subtle prank undermines the purpose of trading priceless masterpieces. However, Welles never fully condemns Elmyr or his actions. Even de Hory’s own biographe r, Clifford Irving, describes the man he tries to expose a â€Å"folk hero.†Elmyr justifies his actions, claiming, â€Å"If you hang my paintings in a museum, or a collection, and if they hang long enough, they become real.†When dealing with a forger, the existence of truth is irrelevant. Is a forgery not a painting? To claim that the â€Å"fakes†adorning the walls of several prestigious and respected galleries across the nation are somehow less artistic than the originals runs parallel to accusing a film adaptation of Hamlet less meaningful because it was not directed by Shakespeare. In one of several of Welles’ anecdotes, he claims that Picasso denied painting one of his originals. When contradicted, his response was: â€Å"I can paint false Picassos as well as anybody.†Such a statement implies that truth applies to art as little as it does to forgeries; art is in and of itself a truth. Welles himself states, â€Å"the pompous word for [trut h] is art.†Art is a fabrication or exaggeration of sorts, to which truth is incompatible. With the presence of forgeries in significant galleries and a lack of indisputable authority in the realm of â€Å"experts,†art can in no way, remain genuine in the modern world.Forgers, as demonstrated in the film, do not emerge out of desire to plagiarize, but instead do so as an element of survival. Elmyr describes his youth as plagued with trouble and meager living; painting no longer was passion, but a means of finding his next meal. Forgery, though with the appearance of extravagance, simply provided the painter with an easy escape from absolute poverty. Even Irving, who tries time and again to reveal to the world Elmyr’s deception, created the fake biography of legendary tycoon and hermit Howard Hughes because his â€Å"fiction didn’t sell.†His hunger for acknowledgment and acceptance in the literary community drove him to create a hoax unparalleled by any â€Å"faker†known until that point. Finally, Mr. Orson Welles himself did not turn to show business with the aspirations of becoming a star, but instead scammed his way onto a Dublin stage in search of a meal. His first big break consisted of an elaborate fabrication. Through the use of radio, Mr. Welles lead his country to believe that Hell found its way onto American soil. The fortune of a man built itself up on a lie; without the ability to scam and deceive Orson Welles, not unbeknownst to himself, would not have a career without his ability to lie. The motivation behind the demonstrated creativity strips the glamour from art. These admired crafts prove to be driven by survivalist necessities as opposed to artistic expressions, thus, in one sense, undermining the intention and meaning of the final product.The most deceiving and mischievous â€Å"faker†in the entire film is without a doubt Welles. Through tongue-in-cheek presentations of various illusions an d tricks, he deceives the audience or characters he interacts with throughout the ninety minutes he is on screen. He opens the film with the words â€Å"For my next experiment†, suggesting to the audience that this entire production is no more than a manipulation of the facts and the observer’s perception. He presents himself as a magician, but, through misleading information and editing styles, he is, in reality, closer to the likes of a con artist. There is no denying, however, that his deceit is, in fact, art. The self-proclaimed â€Å"charlatan†opens with innocent magic tricks, but soon imposes his own environmentupon the train stations he stands in. The artificial white wall, though in the midst of a train station covered in shroud, appears to be a piece of an empty room; the shadowy figure dressed in black addresses the audience, promising a whole hour of truth, soon finds himself, by means of post-production editing, in space as ambiguous as possible. Hi s surroundings emanate discord, with the background gradually illuminating, and a series of slanted and asymmetrical colored windows appearing behind him. Welles creates atmosphere plagued with uncertainty. The man mocks the viewer from behind the screen with the illusion. In several instances, the narrator appears in an editing studio, which includes stacks of reels behind his desk, and sprawls of film in front of him. He suggests that the entire project has been spliced together with the dominating figure huddled over the frames. The scenes are overtly artificial; the two men are obviously in different locations at different times. Welles himself dominates and manipulates the dialogue. In a vast instance of shots, the visual images stand still while the audio continues to play, further adding to the sense of false situations and circumstances, and also suggesting that Welles sees his subjects as objects or tools. It appears he photographs those on screen, thereby transforming them into pieces of art. He manipulates the viewer more than any man on screen. The â€Å"hour of truth†is, in fact, not an hour, considering at the end of the film, the seventeen minutes Welles has been â€Å"lying [his] head off,†do not compensate for the time not covered by the full hour of truth. With approximately six minutes of footage unclaimed as true or false, one must question the original confessions and promises. Welles nullifies his oath, perhaps intentionally, with unfulfilled vows. As a viewer, one cannot assume the content of the film holds truth. In his final illusion, the master magician, by simply waving his hands, manages to lift a â€Å"deceased†old man and make him disappear. Of course, this elderly figure breathes heavily as Welles slips the sheet over his body. In addition, he gives Welles the slightest smile and wink before the sheet covers his face. Often priding himself in his trickery, Welles deceives throughout the film, regardless of his pledges. Though the purpose of F for Fake is to expose and analyze â€Å"fakers†of all degrees, the film rarely scolds the imposters it examines, but instead admires the beauty of modesty. While referring to Chartres, the famed French cathedral, Welles recites a somber, reluctant narration regarding the cruelty of time and art in its most beautiful form: anonymous. The cathedral, slowly fading through the montage sequence, represents the ideal work of art, â€Å"without a signature†and serving as â€Å"a celebration to God’s glory and the dignity of man.†This work of art chooses not to praise itself, and cares not for its value or prestige, and it is this monument alone, â€Å"which we choose, when all our cities are dust, to stand intact.†The narration admits the effect of time is inevitable, and that man will, with time fall. But, Chartres insists upon opposite attitude. Welles summarizes this mentality by saying â€Å"our songs will al l be silenced. But what of it? Go on singing.†The images of the cathedral, alone in the distance, combined with Welles’ monologue, provide hope for the waning man. Perhaps the most pivotal element of the film is introduced by â€Å"A bit of verse by Kipling.†Welles and his idealistic mentality would hope that, in relationship to the art world, â€Å"maybe a man’s name doesn’t matter all that much.†The bitter reality, though often absent from the film, presents itself in the form of a devil. With the words â€Å"It’s pretty, but is it art?†the art world negates any optimistic tendencies on the narrator’s behalf. Name is everything. Art dealers, when confronted with a painting ask who painted it, what it is worth, and how much selling it will net. The quality expresses itself in the signature at the bottom of the painting. The unforgiving truth is that profit drives the museums, the art dealers, the market, and each of these factors compose and direct the course on the artist. Art will never be genuine; â€Å"pretty†doesn’t make art. The experts make the art. The forgers make fools of the experts. Does this leave the forgers in charge of the art world? The world itself is run by fakes. Art can never be fully appreciated without the price tag set in place by â€Å"experts†undermined by forgers. Art, according to Welles, cannot be pure so long as a signature adorns the corner.In his F for Fake, Orson Welles, in search of all things false determines that the art world, governed by â€Å"experts†and vandalized by forgers, will never be genuine, and that his art is no exception.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Conclusion of Corruption - 1522 Words
Pakistan and its Chronic Unemployment Pakistan is a nation that has been plagued by many problems throughout it’s more than 6 decades of existence. But one problem that has plagued it persistently is that of unemployment. It has an unemployment rate of 15.4% and ranks on 152/199 on the world employment table. Having one of the world’s largest populations also means that this 15.4% is a very large number in its own right. Now we know some basic problems as to why there is so much unemployment in our country, but there are also some problems that are not highlighted. Unemployment is defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) as the number of people, over 18, willing and able to find work at a certain wage rate, but unable to†¦show more content†¦The economy and country remain unsafe and unpredictable, and these are two conditions which would fail even the most lucrative economies in the world, let alone an already stumbling one. The government policies, have failed to help the economy and improve the security situation and due to that, the unemployment rate in the country remains one of the highest in the world. Another major problem is job saturation in the job market. Now you may ask, what this over saturation is. This is mostly concerned with a large number of people going for the same profession and there not being enough jobs for all of those people, hence causing most of them to remain unemployed. Pakistan does not have the highest or best of literacy rates and not everyone in Pakistan can afford to gain higher education. Those who do get higher education i.e bachelors or masters degrees, have a chance to not only work in their own businesses but also as a safety they have jobs to fall back on. This on paper would solve the employment problems for those people who have degrees under their belts but it does not. Why is this so you ask? Well the major reason is the mindset orShow MoreRelatedCorruption And Corruption Of Corruption Essay1313 Words  | 6 Pagesthe corruption by the leaders these have made a major impact corruption is one of the biggest global issues. Corruption can take place anywhere it can take place on sport games, countries, Bank and politics. Today corruption can start and cause war corruption can be seen in different ways people today are giving money to cops and business man to do dirty work for them which is called bribery. What is Corruption? Corruption is the misuse power which is used by the politics wrongly Corruption may includeRead MoreIs Corruption A World Issue?1397 Words  | 6 Pagesmuch of that information as possible to be able to share with the class as well as make an informed monologue about said topic. 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The fear of fraud leads to restrict movement of documents in offices, slow traffic on the highways, port congestion, ghost workers syndrome, queues at passport offices, police extortion tollgates and gas stations, vote irregularities among others. Even the nutty people on the road remember the devastation caused by bribery - the funds allocatedRead MorePublic Corruption Aimee836 Words  | 4 PagesCritical Essay Analysis Public Corruption Aimee L. Romero Kaplan University CJ340-02:  Applied Criminal Justice Ethics 1102C March 2011 Term Instructor: Lance Oakland Abstract Corruption is clearly everywhere around us with many forms and is a world-wide crisis. A day doesn’t go by that there isn’t a report in the media about some form of corruption by someone famous or internationally known, a Politian or an average every day citizen just perhaps
Monday, May 18, 2020
Definition and Examples of Philippics
Philippic is discourse (traditionally an oration) that is characterized by fierce condemnation of a subject; a diatribe or rant. The term philippic (from Greek philippikos) is derived from the virulent denunciations of Philip II of Macedon delivered by Demosthenes of Athens in the fourth century BC. Demosthenes is commonly regarded as the greatest orator of his age. See Examples and Observations, below. Novelist Donna Tartts Philippic Against Prescriptive Usage Michael Pietsch: Before I began editing your book, you sent a philippic against standardization. You declared that spell-check, auto-correct, and (if I recall correctly) even sacred cows like Strunk White and the Chicago Manual of Style are the writer’s enemies, that the writer’s voice and choice are the highest standard. Do you have advice for other writers confronted with editorial standardization?Donna Tartt: Was it really a philippic? I thought it was more a cordial memorandum.Pietsch: Two-thirds of the way through a set of notes to the copy editor, you wrote: I am terribly troubled by the ever-growing tendency to standardized and prescriptive usage, and I think that the Twentieth century, American-invented conventions of House Rules and House Style, to say nothing of automatic computer functions like Spellcheck and AutoCorrect, have exacted an abrasive, narrowing, and destructive effect on the way writers use language and ultimately on the language itself. Journalism and newspaper writing are one thing; House Style indubitably very valuable there; but as a literary novelist who writes by hand, in a notebook, I want to be able to use language for texture and Ive intentionally employed a looser, pre-twentieth century model rather than running my work through any one House Style mill. Tartt: Well--Im not saying that the writers voice is always the highest standard; only that a lot of writers who are fine stylists and whose work I love wouldnt make it past a contemporary copy editor armed with the Chicago Manual, including some of the greatest writers and stylists of the 19th and 20th century. (Donna Tartt and Michael Pietsch, The Slate Book Review Author-Editor Conversation. Slate, October 11, 2013) Paul Simons Simple Desultory Philippic I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.I been John OHarad, McNamarad.I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till Im blind.I been Ayn Randed, nearly brandedCommunist, cause Im left-handed.Thats the hand I use, well, never mind! . . .I been Mick Jaggered, silver daggered.Andy Warhol, wont you please come home?I been mothered, fathered, aunt and uncled,Been Roy Haleed and Art Garfunkeled.I just discovered somebodys tapped my phone. [Paul Simon, A Simple Desultory Philippic (or How I Was Robert McNamarad into Submission). Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme by Simon Garfunkel. Columbia, 1966] The Philippics of Demosthenes (384-323 BC) From 351 BCE, until his self-induced death by poison in 323 BCE (to avoid death at the hands of Philip of Macedons soldiers), Demosthenes turned his talents to public affairs, particularly to rallying the Athenian people against the imminent threat of invasion by Philip...The Philippics are speeches delivered by Demosthenes between the years 351 BCE and 340 BCE. There are four Philippics orations although Dobson doubts that the fourth is legitimate. The first two Philippics are calls to the Athenian people to resist Philip before Athens itself is threatened with domination by the barbarian from the north. The Third Philippic occurs after Philip has gained control of many parts of the Athenian empire and is about to march on the city of Olynthus. Demosthenes pleads urgently and desperately for a military mission to help the Olynthians and prepare for war. Despite his failure in rousing the Athenian people to arm themselves against Philip, Demosthenes Philippic orations are considered masterpieces of rhetorical invention and technique. (James J. Murphy, Richard A. Katula, and Michael Hoppmann, A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric, 4th ed. Routledge, 2014) The Philippics of Cicero (106-43 BC) With Julius Caesars assassination in 44 BCE Cicero re-entered a political arena that granted him an opportunity to renew his consular voice and use his Republican rhetoric, now against Caesars lieutenant Marcus Antonius. These Philippics allowed Caesar to revive his Demosthenic persona and to provide a capstone to his claim to be the near embodiment of the [Roman] Republic, boasting at the start of the Second Philippic that in twenty years there has been no enemy of the Republic who has not also simultaneously declared war on Cicero... Ciceros proscription by the triumvirs and his brutal murder showed that he miscalculated his rhetorics power to impose his image of the Republic upon this changed political landscape.Ciceros final stand on behalf of the Republic in his speeches against Antony secured his heroization as the orator who embodied the Republic and its values, his contradictions and compromises largely forgotten.(John Dugan, Rhetoric and the Roman Republic. The Cambridge Com panion to Ancient Rhetoric, ed. by Erik Gunderson. Cambridge University Press, 2009)Despite the final outcome, Ciceros fourteen extant orations against Antony (perhaps three more are lost) may be felt to represent his finest hour. . . . Cicero invokes a rhetoric of crisis, in which good is pitted against evil with no room for compromise (cf. Wooten 1983; Hall 2002: 283-7). Even his style has changed. Sentences are shorter, periodic structures less frequent, and main ideas are not kept in suspense until a sentence ends . . ..(Christopher P. Craig, Cicero as Orator. A Companion to Roman Rhetoric, ed. by William Dominik and Jon Hall. Blackwell, 2010) The Lighter Side of Philippics A PHILIPPIC*Down with that phrase soporific, bromidic--Whatever that is--Relic of days paleozoic, druidic--Whatever that is.Does one remark, in a tone unspectacular,I think the comet diffusely opacular,Some one will cry in the vulgar vernacular:Whatever that is!Curses on him who invented the sloganWhatever that is!Jump on his neck with an ensiform brogan--Whatever that is.Phrase without meaning, bourgeois and pestiferous,Phrase that is wearying, dull and somniferous,Here is anathema umbraculiferous--Whatever that is.*Whateverthatis. (Franklin Pierce Adams, By and Large. Doubleday, 1920)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parting, The Jordan River - 1700 Words
Parting the Jordan River In the spring of the year both Jesus and John the future Baptist, cousins (cousins, not brothers), had reached the age of seven. The boys wandered far from Nazareth and along the Jordan River just south of the big lake, they decided to play ‘Let My People Go’ featuring Moses and Pharaoh. Little Johnnie the Baptist as Moses, cried out in a loud, raspy voice, â€Å"Let my people go!†spraying spit as he spoke. And Jesus, as hard-hearted Pharaoh, replied in a harsh voice, â€Å"You mangy dogs, you slaves! No, no, no! Pharaoh has spoken, so let it be done.†â€Å"Well, my God will show you something!†shouted Moses, a.k.a. Little Johnnie the Baptist, with flecks of spit flying and he pushed his way past Pharaoh Jesus and†¦show more content†¦Little Johnnie waved and flexed his arms in a frantic effort to return the waters, but, alas, to no avail. Jesus, concerned that this might mean real trouble, set his child’s mind and his child’s faith to work, but, again alas, he too, was unable to cause the water to flow again in its riverbed. Jaws hanging open, both boys blinked hard several times in disbelief. Then Jesus took a cautious step down into the riverbed, but Johnnie stood rooted to his spot on the bank. â€Å"Come on, let’s look,†encouraged Jesus. â€Å"I can see it from here.†â€Å"No, c’mon!†â€Å"No!! My no means no!!!†â€Å"It’ll be okay.†â€Å"NO!!!†He said it so strongly that he surprised Jesus and even himself at the strength of his statement. Then Johnnie shamefully admitted, â€Å"I am afraid of water.†â€Å"There’s nothing to be afraid of,†said Jesus holding out his hand. â€Å"I c-c-can’t,†said Johnnie. â€Å"What do you mean, ‘you can’t’?†asked Jesus. â€Å"I can’t swim,†confessed Johnnie. â€Å"You don’t have to swim,†said Jesus brightly. â€Å"Come on, take my hand.†So Johnnie, overcoming his feeling of dread, clasped Jesus’ hand and timidly stepped off the bank into the riverbed. Fear soon gave way to healthy curiosity and they gazed at the parted waters and then ventured down into the riverbed to see this wonder at close hand. They marveled at a school of silvery fish just inside the sparkling blue-green waters of the lake. A turtle with its stubby little legs swam across theShow MoreRelatedAbsalom : The Second Son Of King David863 Words  | 4 PagesDavid heard Absalom had been killed he cried out for his son. Dead Sea: It is a Salt Lake that is bordered to the east by Jordan, and bordered to the west by Israel and Palestine. 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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data HartleyRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesSheffield Hallam University and Visiting Professor, Northumbria University AMSTERDAM †¢ BOSTON †¢ HEIDELBERG †¢ LONDON †¢ NEW YORK †¢ OXFORD PARIS †¢ SAN DIEGO †¢ SAN FRANCISCO †¢ SINGAPORE †¢ SYDNEY †¢ TOKYO Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 First published 1992 Second edition 1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 Third edition 2005 Copyright  © 1992, 1997, 2005, Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan. All rights reserved The
Managing Finance for Monthly Market Returns -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theManaging Finance for Monthly Market Returns. Answer: Daily market returns, monthly market returns and yearly market returns: Average Daily returns 0.07% Average Monthly average 1.46% Average Yearly returns 18.69% Total risk: Average Yearly standard deviation 1.24% Systematic risk: Beta 0.83 Unsystematic risk: Unsystematic risk 0.0107 Providing relevant suggestion: Depicting the basis of selection of this stock as good investment: The overall calculation is mainly conducted for ABM industries, where all the relevant return, risk and unsystematic risk are identified for the stock. This mainly helps in depicting the overall viability of the stock to provide higher returns from investment. The overall unsystematic risk and return of the sock is relatively adequate in terms of investment. The unsystematic risk is at 0.0107, while the yearly average returns are at 18.29%, which depicts viability of the overall investments. Marshall (2015) mentioned that overall evaluation of the unsystematic risk mainly allows investor to identify the risk from external forces such as government and regularities, which might hamper their returns. Depicting the reason behind investing all the money in stock or not: From the overall valuation of the calculation the investment scope within ABM industries could be identified. However, the investment in the company needs to be limited, as it has a higher beta of 0.83, which indicate the high risk involved in investment. However, the company is providing a average return of 18.69% on yearly basis, which might help in improving the overall return from investments. Therefore, investments of around 35% of the total investment value could be conducted with adequate diversification for reducing the risk from investment. In this contest, Pizzutilo (2015) mentioned that with the help of diversification method investors are mainly able reduce the overall risk from investment. Reference: Marshall, C.M., 2015. Isolating the systematic and unsystematic components of a single stocks (or portfolios) standard deviation.Applied Economics,47(1), pp.1-11. Pizzutilo, F., 2015. Isolating the systematic and unsystematic components of a single stocks (or portfolios) standard deviation: a comment.Applied Economics,47(58), pp.6277-6283.
Determining The Availability Of Deductions â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Determining The Availability Of Deductions? Answer: Introducation In the case of FCT V Rowe 1997 the issue that was addressed as to whether the legal expenses that have been incurred in defending the taxpayer in case of disciplinary action is deductible. In determining the availability of deductions, the Federal court referred to the case of Inglis V FCT.In that case; it was provided that the cost of proceeding brought against the public servant by the employer is allowed as deduction (Gitman et al.. 2015). In the current case, the facts are that Mr. Rowe is employed as engineer with the Livingstone Shire Council. He was suspended from the duty and was asked by the council to provide reasons why he should not be dismissed as several complaints were filed against him. In this situation, it can be said that Mr. Rowe has clear and Management threat that he would lose his employment. FCT v Stone (2005) In the case of FCT V Stone 2005, the issue is related to a sportswoman who is successful. The case is related to determination of various amounts received by her should and whether the amount received should be treated as the income received from the course of business activity. It can be seen that although there are certain differences but parallel can be drawn with the person carrying on the business and the sportsperson or artists (Braithwaite, 2017). However, it is important to make a distinction between the people engaged in the artistic or spots activity for pleasure and people engaged in professional activity. The professional persons should be able to make the distinction with the enthusiastic amateurs. The taxpayer enjoying the activity does not preclude the taxpayer from carrying on the business. The distinction is made based on the commercial end of the artist and sportsperson. In this case, it was accepted that the main motivation of the taxpayer was the pursuit of excell ence and the honor for the country (Forsyth et al., 2014). In the case of FCT V Stone 2005, it was decided by the court that the prize money and government grant received should be included as an ordinary income of the taxpayer. In this case, making profit was not the primary motive of the taxpayer but she was aware that success in sports would bring financial reward (Blakelock King 2017). The action of accepting endorsement means that she has turned her talent in sports into an activity for earning money. In this case, the receipt received from sports activity by Joanna Stone should be taxable as the intention was to make profit from the sporting activity. In the case of FCT V Rowe 1997 the ex gratia reimbursement is not included in the ordinary income (Cheshire et al., 2014). In order to determine or to calculate the tax liability it is very much essential to determine the residential status of the individual first. An individual is who liable to pay tax in a country of which he/ she is not a resident. In taxation, the word resident means place of abode of a person in the country for assessing income tax (Richardson et al., 2013). A person who is not a citizen of a country can be held a resident of that country subject to fulfilment of certain provisions. According to subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, an Australian resident refers to such individuals those who are Migrants, Student who is studying in Australia, Teacher who is teaching academics, working professionals may include pre-arranged contract of employment or may be visitor who came to visit Australia on holidays. In this report it is asked to determine whether Basil will be considered as a resident of Australia for the purpose of taxation or not. Financial process of determination of residential status can be completed in four simple step/ methods. The methods are described below: Primary or Ordinary Test; Domicile Test; Superannuation Test; 183 days Test. In is important to consider each one of the above tests one by one. Primary Test or Ordinary Test If an individual resides in Australia since birth and is not a resident of any abroad country then the individual will be considered as an Australian resident and he/ she will not need to perform any further residency tests. In this case, it is clearly stated that Basils permanent place of abode is in England and he came to Australia for the purpose of employment. Thus, Basil does not satisfy the condition states under ordinary test. Therefore, in order to prove his residential status Basil needs to appear for the other remaining tests. Domicile Test The word Domicile refers to that place where an individual have his/ her permanent place of stay or abode. As per Australian Taxation Office (ATO) an individual can be regarded as an Australian domicile only if his/ her permanent place of abode is in Australia. However if it is spotted by the Commissioner of Taxation in Australia that the individual stays at any foreign country despite of being a resident of Australia then the individual will not be considered as a Australian resident (Kucukvar et al., 2014). It is evident from the fact that Basil came to Australia in August 28, 2015 for employment purpose and prior to this he was staying in England of where he is also a resident. Thus according to the law, Basil cannot be regarded as an Australian resident as far as Domicile test is concerned. Superannuation Test According to ATO, superannuation test confirms that the working employees of the government of Australia who are posted abroad are considered as the resident of Australia. This test is clearly not applicable in case of Basil as he not an employees of Government of Australia and thus he does not qualify the superannuation test. As per guidelines mentioned in the ATO, if any individual remains in Australia for a period of more than or equal to 183 days or half an income year with breaks or without any break then that person will be considered as a resident of Australia since the time of his/ her arrival. It is found in the case that Basil came to Australia for employment purpose on 28th August 2015 to stay for about 3 years. Thus, it is evident that Basil satisfied the conditions required by 183 days test and hence he can be regarded as an Australian resident for taxation purpose since his arrival in Australia. The section 4-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 provides that an individual, company or other entity is required to pay tax on their taxable income. The section 4-15 of the Income Tax Assessment 1997 clearly provides that taxable income should be calculated by deduction allowable deductions from the assessable income. The assessable income can be classified into ordinary income and statutory income. The section 6-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 provides that income according to the ordinary concept is known as ordinary income and it should be included in the assessable income. The income that is not an ordinary income should be included as a statutory income as per section 6-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The income that should be included in the assessable income is dependent on the residential status of the taxpayer. It is provided that under 6-5 and 6-10 of the Income tax Assessment Act 1997 income received by the resident taxpayer from all the sources sho uld be included in the assessable income. On the other hand, if the taxpayer is not resident then income from Australian sources are only taxable. In this case, as discussed earlier Basil should be treated as resident for the purpose of tax. Therefore income received by Basil should be treated accordingly and it is discussed below: The salary income received should be included in the assessable income. The basic salary of $12000 per month should be included in the included in assessable under section 6-5 of the ITAA 97. The section 15-2 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 states that allowances and benefits provided by the employer to the employee should be included in the assessable income. The rent subsidy received from employer is a fringe benefit and should be included in the assessable income (Lignier et al., 2014). The motor vehicle is provided for the personal benefit so it is a benefit provided by the taxpayer and should be included in the assessable income. This should be included in the assessable income as per section 5-2 of the ITAA 97. The phone account paid by the employer is a benefit and should be included in the assessable income. The holiday trip was received as performance award and should be included as the assessable income. Basil is regarded as a resident of Australia for the tax purpose hence income from any source should be included as the assessable income. The income received from rent of house in England should be included as an assessable income. The dividend income should be included in the assessable income. The gain made on England and Australian shares should be included in the assessable income. The income received from selling antique chair should be included in the assessable income Reference Blakelock, S., King, P. (2017). business law: The advance of ATO data matching.Proctor, The,37(6), 18. Braithwaite, V. (Ed.). (2017).Taxing democracy: Understanding tax avoidance and evasion. Routledge. Cheshire, L., Everingham, J. A., Lawrence, G. (2014). Governing the impacts of mining and the impacts of mining governance: Challenges for rural and regional local governments in Australia.Journal of Rural Studies,36, 330-339. Forsyth, P., Dwyer, L., Spurr, R., Pham, T. (2014). The impacts of Australia's departure tax: Tourism versus the economy?.Tourism Management,40, 126-136. Gitman, L. J., Juchau, R., Flanagan, J. (2015).Principles of managerial finance. Pearson Higher Education AU. Kucukvar, M., Egilmez, G., Tatari, O. (2014). Sustainability assessment of US final consumption and investments: triple-bottom-line inputoutput analysis.Journal of cleaner production,81, 234-243. Lignier, P., Evans, C., Tran-Nam, B. (2014). Tangled up in tape: The continuing tax compliance plight of the small and medium enterprise business sector. Richardson, G., Taylor, G., Lanis, R. (2013). The impact of board of director oversight characteristics on corporate tax aggressiveness: An empirical analysis.Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,32(3), 68-88.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Tips for Writing an Effective Research Paper
In spite of the fact that writing a paper may appear to be meticulous and troublesome in start, it truly isnt very muddled once you the exact format and information flow to get it completed. It might demand a hard work and serious research, yet it doesn’t have to be hectic for everybody. Before beginning the format and steps of the research, make certain you have enough note paper, different shades of highlighters (for your examination markings) and cards. Additionally observe that perusing the agenda with respect to research morals could likewise be of huge help for you and composing your paper. Click to check some top academic writing companies. Begin off by taking after these fundamental strides: Select a subject that moves you Find solid sources Sort out your notes Conceptualize a generous blueprint Compose a first draft Read through first draft and re-compose Alter Click to check Custom Thesis Writing Services Appropriate research An incredible and calm place to do research is the library. There are different potential references accessible there and innumerable books, distributed articles, diaries, and so on. also free Internet get toâ€â€that you can head toward find precisely what you require. Take a stab at getting yourself a comfortable place, far from diversions, where you can do look into. Utilize note pads or file cards to track data as you reveal it in your examination. It is best to be acquainted with the administrations accessible and where your potential sources are found. Take a stab at approaching the curators for their assistance leading the best research as conceivable too; that is the reason theyre there! Furthermore, you can bring those lessons on with you as you keep exploring at home. Keep in mind: the Internet is a rich, important asset, and there are many honest to goodness insightful articles to be found, yet dependably check your certainties utilizing elective locales and ref erence books. Select your exploration theme. In the event that you have the flexibility to pick what to expound on, it is by and large best to pick a subject youve generally been interested about so you have enthusiasm for it finding out about it top to bottom. Picking a theme that doesnt intrigue you much wont not give that inspiration to do compelling examination. Additionally make sure to be particular while choosing a theme. A typical slip-up is picking a subject that is excessively broadâ€â€an abundance of assets about a wide theme can rapidly end up plainly overpowering. Bringing down the best possible notes Be sorted out when taking notes and realize what data is basic and contribution to your examination so youre not impeded with futile actualities and measurements. Shading code your notes by point and highlight the basic subtle elements so you can locate that particular theme effectively. You may likewise take a stab at photocopying an article or a page from a book if there is excessively to scribble down. Highlighters pay a major part in this since you can highlight just what you have to recall when composing your examination paper. Each time you make note of something, record the bibliographical data, including the writer, book title, page numbers utilized, volume number, distributor name, and dates. This is crucial to use in your exploration paper. Compose a layout After your inside and out research, you are presently prepared to compose a layout. With the notes you brought down, you can begin conceptualizing where the subjects and supporting data best fit. They dont fundamental need to be organized in a sentence, as this is just the conceptualizing part. Chip away at your first draft When youre done with your blueprint, you may begin on your first draft. Since your diagram is done, you may now structure it into sentence and section frame, putting more life and detail into the paper with the goal that individuals can better comprehend the fact of the matter youre attempting to make. You may accomplish more essential research en route on the off chance that you have a feeling that your data is deficient. Compose and alter your last paper Once your first draft feels ideal, with all the crucial data and sources put in, you can continue to altering and working out your last paper. Check for linguistic and typographical blunders and spelling. Additionally, ensure that each source utilized is in your list of sources page. excels in the field when it comes upon the finest quality writing services by the experienced and dedicated writers. Here, all the academic worries get replaced by satisfaction and academic brilliance.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Understanding human rights The WritePass Journal
Understanding human rights Introduction Understanding human rights IntroductionHuman Rights Act in the UKImportance of human rightsCriticisms against human rightsConclusionRelated Introduction Human rights are defined as those inalienable and universal rights and freedoms which all individuals enjoy simply because they are human, they are entitlements which we all share regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, class or culture (Henry 2009: 1). Human right are rights inherent to all human beings, irrespective of the nationality, place of resident, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. Human rights are entitlement gotten outside/without discrimination. these rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible in the sense that most states have the same human right laws that govern the security of individual and group with brings about equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination. Most human rights are expressed and supported by law, in terms of treaties, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law. infact, these human right laws lay down obligations of Governments to act in certain way in order to promot and protect human rights. Human rights entail both rights and obligations. States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights. The obligation to respect means that States must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. The obligation to fulfil means that States must take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights. At the individual level, while we are entitled our human rights, we should also respect the human rights of others. Universal Declaration on human rights in 1948 contains 30 articles. but the most important of these are considered as follows: the right to life, liberty, property and security of person, the right to an education, the right to employemtn, paid holidays, protection against unemployment and social security, the right to participate fully in cultural life freedome from torture or cruel, inhumane treatement or punishment, freedome of expression and opinion freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Vienna World conference on human rights 1993 noted that it is the duty of states to promoted and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of their politica, economic and cultural systems. Human Rights Act in the UK The Human Rights Act was brought about as a result of the European Convention on Human Rights, which was set up by the Council of Europe. This was to ensure that the violations of human rights under the reign of Hitler during the Second World War, would not be able to happen again. The act however, was only passed into UK law in October 2000. individual now have the right to seek redress in a UK court instead of having to visit the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which covered the act of: the right to life, prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, Freedom from forced labour, Right to liberty, Right to a fair trial, Retrospective penalties, Right to respect for private and family life, Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, Freedom of expression, Freedom of assembly and association, Right to marry, Prohibition of discrimination. The Human Rights Act 1998, has affected the lives of British Citizens, for example recently a law allowing terror suspects to be detained for up to 90 days without charge, but this was dropped as it was deemed to breach the rights of those being detained for such a long period of time. Importance of human rights Human rights help everyone to have a secured and safe life. it educates people to be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Criticisms against human rights Human rights as a principle is always positive. They should be the basis for evaluating any regime, aid program, etc. The criticism can arise when human rights are written down as laws, as they are almost impossible to police and there can be very blurry edges when defining everyday practicalities, such as a bill of rights. Some sociologists also see a problem with western countries defining human rights in a way that makes sense to westerners, yet is at odds with another culture. An example is child education. we see it as a human right and wish to enforce it globally. Many poor countries depend on working children in order for the family to eat and survive. When the child is forced to go to school, they lose a breadwinner, and a parent can also be forced to cease work in order to now attend to a child who is not working at home like they used to. Costs are also astronomical in developing countries to school a single child, and many families are large. end result is deepening of impoverishment before the fruits of the childs education kick in decades later. So is this still an easily recognisable human right? Human Rights is a much used and abused term today, and is used extensively for political gain. The term is used to defend Human freedom as well as destroy it. People tend to attach importance to particular human rights issue according to ideology and political convenience. if a man is not to have recourse or rebellion against tyranny and oppression, taking law into their own hands,Human Rights should be built into the society as a natural rule. As a last resort only, law should be applied as a protection. Desite the fact human right laws are in existence, there is still racism and discrimination which has criticised human right in a way that it can no longer make any impact to individual in some societies. Conclusion Human rights are the rights of individual men and women to basic freedoms such as freedome of association, freedom speech, etc. one should note that the improvement fo one right facilitates advancement fo the others, likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Childrens Health - Smart Custom Writing Samples
Childrens Health - Smart Custom Writing Italian Renaissance Art Humor and SatireIn History of art, Italian Renaissance period is consider as one of the most productive period. It was the period where large number of most outstanding masterpiece were found in all the major fields like painting, sculpture and architecture. During this period great artist like Masaccio in painting, Brunelleschi in Architecture and Donatello in sculpture, their work of master piece marked the beginning of a new era in art history. It is also in this period that the artist were not just considered to be craft people, their social status change, and were recognized as individual with a unique and awesome talents. Art and Science were closely connected in Renaissance period because both the artist and the scientist strove for the mastery of the physical world. These artists bring–out new concept and methods in the world of artistry. The art painting is profited by the two field of scientific study: the anatomy perspective this provides an accurate representation of the human body and the mathematical perspective. The effect of the perspective in painting to create a illusion of a three-dimension from the two-dimensional surface. Empirical means, make it possible for the previous painters to achieved this effect, in 1420 Brunelleschi discovered the method of attaining three-dimensional impression by using the mathematical method. Artist used this method as chief instrument to pursuit reality since it could be systematically studied and explained. Some of this talented men were both Scientist and Artist, two of this were Leonardo da Vinci and Piero della Francesca. Along with the spread of the Renaissance, the Europeans a completely new world and culture were conceived. From the Renaissance concept, that humankind in control of nature, this gave birth to modern science. The humanistic and scholastic thinking of human led to advancement and many great scientists and thinkers existed seventeenth century. The English constitution theory, as we have known today, is the result of the concepts of human freedom and republicanism that were adopted during the period of Renaissance. Perhaps one of the most significant thing that the Renaissance brought to the society aside from the breath taking work of art, was the ideology of individualism. Uniqueness in style and knowledge of each artist became the sign of nobility. During the Renaissance period, portraits of women were made without eye contact because of reasons that â€Å"exchange of glances†is already a form of communication during the fifteenth century. In the culture of Italy on Renaissance, portrait signifies and importance of lineage. A portrait of man is a visual parallel to the ideals of political system, to the nobility of birth to the member of aristocratic dynasties. In northern Italian court portraits celebrate women because of their exceptional aristocratic birth, but contribution to the society was seen principally in forging a family connection through marriage and in preservation of family through the birth of a male heir. Many of the greatest work of the renaissance period was devoted to Christianity, one of this is the painting of Michelangelo Buonarroti’s â€Å"The creation of Adam†. However, intellectual approach to religion has begun to change that affects the cultural life of the society, the changes had influenced the artists of that period which are reflected in their art. The beginning of the Italian Tragedy all goes back to Aristotle. His dramatic precept  became the basis of the all theatre scholarships. Debates regarding the aesthetic and technical aspect of the tragedy such as it concept and function comes from the poetics. The truth is, because of Italian Renaissance the treatise were able to reach the Western Culture. Due to some incidental comment of Aristotle regarding the time span of the dramatic action an Arestotelian Unities was developed by the Renaissance critics. Their interest for the treatise is not for the reason of academic but more especially for practicality since a help for the cinquecento playwright is needed in reviving the just discovered tragedy. Unsure of the real idea of a tragedy a thorough discussion happen in the Middle Ages. Because only few of the ancient text were known and mainly in anecdote or quote, scholars thought that tragedy is about a ghastly crimes that often times participated by women. But on the other hand Donatus concluded it as a literary form which refers to a noble character, great apprehension, and a sad ending. Dante on the other hand concluded that tragedy is a serious subject taken in sublime manner and having a dreadful ending. The purpose of tragedy as a poem is mostly intended for a reading audience was further substantiated by the discovery of Seneca’s plays in the early fourteenth century first printed on 1474-84. Senecan give more importance on speech rather than action met with great favor in a culture that give high value to the art of verbal talks. The involvement of the audience in the dramatic action would be the largest extent significant success of the cultural forum of theatre. At this point, playwright would often say that events should be displayed with virtual reality. Their guiding principle was much debated concept of credibility to actual reality. The stage must present the fictional world in a realistic manner to easily suspend the instinctive of audience who are reluctant to be drawn into the theatre’s world of illusion out from their real world. Some authors called attention to the creative ventures through which they brought realistic shows on stage. Some others like Dolce, went so far as to encouraget spectators to imagine themselves as living, if not physically, at least in sprit, in stage’s world of fiction. In the prologue to is Giocasta, he tells the spectators: â€Å"Ora pesante di trovrvi in tebe.... E, se non sete in lei con la persona, Siatevi con la mentre e col pensiero.†[Picture yourselves in ancient Thebes.../And if you cannot be there in person, /you can at least be there with your imagination]43 The involvement of the spectators was not simple enough by just asking them of their attention. In order to get their full attention and participation speak to the audience abut themselves and their problems, then showcase what is current. Whether writing comedies or tragedies, playwrights persistently pursue the novelty on the genre and argue against the boring imitation of a long dead traditions. Francisco Grazzini, Angelo Beolco O Ruzzante, and Geraldiare among to those who argue for the modernity of theatre, Dolce gave the most distinctive account of this principle of poetics. In his Medea, The spectators are informed what the are about to see: Una Tragedia nova, Nova dico, per esser novamente Con Nuovi panni da colui vestita. [A new traged,/I say new, for it has been/ dressed with new clothes by him(the author)] Although issues were not resolve, an unusual notion of reality seems to have prevailed: respecting the historical and cultural identity of the characters. Another good attribute of the Italian Renaissance tragedy was the modern courtly ambiance in which numerous plays were cast. Often times it setting were castle and fortress, and the character knights and princes. In Rucelli’s Oreste, for example, the princes were seen dressed in his lavish costume, the stage where the setting was dominated by structure resembled too the Renaissance tower. Some Renaissance tragedies also take on a dreadful and horrifying stories of brigands and pirates with which cinquecento audiences were quite familiar. Di Maria also explained the role of religion in Cinquecento and how ancient religions and Christian beliefs was connected by the playwrights. He also mention the ideological and dramaturgical development of the deus ex machina expedient. It is easy to find a references even if the tragedies is not exactly a Christian when you unfold the Christian setting. Tragic portrayer expresses Christian beliefs and continuously request for divine comfort and justice. Playwrights most of the time give pagan gods Christian attributes; mythological characters use a language that is often more Christian than pagan; the chorus and helpless victims tend to invoke a Christian deity. The deus ex machina expedient has to be seen not as a opposite but as a "mirror of the changing perceptions that Renaissance society had on religion and its godhead". In fact, in the first part of the century, the humanist ideals that humans could fixed their own affairs and were free to realize their physical and intellect ual capacities were shattered by events (such as the sack of Rome) that proved to be too overwhelming for any human being to control. The playwrights' recourse to the ex machina expedient reflects the growing awareness of human limitations and the need to rely on a superior power. In the second half of the Cinquecento, together with the coming of the Counter-Reformation, people were moving forward to the Christian ways, which results to a stricter observance of religion. Di Maria also tackle the nature of kingship and the debate on Machiavellism beginning with the question whether rulers should follow to Machiavellian precepts or to humanist values. Most Renaissance playwrights built their tragedies around the Sophoclean conflict that pits the interests of the state against the rights of the individual. The Cinquecento tragedy usually convey the defend in the action of the king (on the grounds of ancient traditions and Machiavellian theory) against the advice of his counselor, often of humanist ideals. Giraldi's Orbecche best exemplifies the debate as King Sulmone, the bloodiest and most tyrannical ruler in all of cinquecento tragedies, argues with his counselor Malecche, who exhibits a clear aversion to tyrannical rule. The King was given advised by Malecche to forgive his own son-in-law Oronte because a righteous king should all forgiving like God. His advice points to a view of kingship based on Christian morality. Sulmone is hesitant to forgive b ecause he was afraid it will make as this would give him the character as a compassionate, weak, and vulnerable ruler. This view recalls Machiavelli's advice against appearing cowardly and vulnerable, the point of view in those time that king should rule with fears not by love were established. According to Botero, in beief that power are from God the foundation of kingship should be the religion. Kings, in addition to being pious and observing God's law, should also establish a reputation of being strong and fearsome rulers through the occasional use of violence. Clearly the ideal of politics is beginning to change toward notion of divine justice. He also illustrated how stage was use as instrument to talk about the of a women Though each generation’s culture had their significant influence in their present and future societal state, the Renaissance appears to be one of the most influential period in history. It has affected the works, thoughts and reactions of the society up now and mostly likely continue to influence the future generations’ creations. Bibliography: Cole, Bruce. â€Å"Italian art, 1250-1550: the relation of Renaissance art to life and society†. Harper Row Publishers Inc.1987 Di Maria, Salvatore.( 2002). â€Å"The Italian tragedy in the Renaissance: cultural realities and theatrical innovations.†illustrated. Bucknell University Press, Print. Killenger, Charles.( 2005) Culture and Customs. 5th. Westport: Greenwood Press, Print
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Event membership cshemes and whether thry promote customer loyalty Essay
Event membership cshemes and whether thry promote customer loyalty - Essay Example In many cases, the event is itself the product, such as cultural events and the like. The principle, however, is the same, that is, to trigger the curiosity of new customers as well as nurture a stronger relationship with the regular customers in order to court their loyalty. In trying to keep customers loyal, companies have come up with membership schemes by which a customer is â€Å"bound,†in a way, to keep coming back. By â€Å"bound†it is meant that the customer is given an incentive or reward for staying as a member and continuing to avail of the products and services of the company. In 2001, Hayes and Slater conducted a study of cultural organizations. Their aim was to arrive at a typology of the common-interest groups of people who have naturally gathered together and, after the passage of some time, became â€Å"clubs†, then â€Å"membership schemes†. (They are also known by other names like friends’ schemes, societies, and associations). The study of such typologies was considered by the authors to be useful to practitioners. It will help them in the design and evolution of membership schemes for many different purposes. This is especially for the hosting of events and exhibits, in order to make sure there is enough people in the audience. According to the authors, there are four general types of membership schemes: the friends’ scheme, the social club group, the public members’ scheme, and the integrated membership scheme. There are many factors that influence how membership schemes developed. The most important factor is the strong competition that grew between rival organizations, and a lessening of revenues available for funding. For these companies, management found out that the only way to ensure survival was by adopting an entrepreneurial style, which meant earning income in an
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Prepare a two-page paper discussing Dr. Charans insights and how Essay
Prepare a two-page paper discussing Dr. Charans insights and how present-day executive leadership should plan and operate - Essay Example It is also important for the leaders to get full details of their operations so as to be better positioned to defend their core business in the event of economic crisis striking. Short term strategies are advocated so as to be able to deal with the situation. Essentially, there are six leadership traits for hard time which include the following In most cases, revenues for businesses are generated through sales hence the need for the sales people to be as realistic as much as possible. They should scan the current environment and see if they can get an opportunity through evaluating the customers’ potential to buy. These communicate the financial position of the business both internally and externally. Their main role is to communicate clearly and honestly so as to keep the investors and lenders abreast about the situation obtaining on the ground. Another role is to allocate resources according to the current state of economic affairs. There is need to identify the projects that matter as well as set new priorities. To those CEOs who presided over thriving organisations, there is a tendency to believe that they know everything. This over optimism is at time dangerous since they can engage in other risky activities such as debt which can sink the organisation into oblivion. Against this background, CEOs should remember that they are leaders and should inspire their workers even during trying times. They should remind the workers that there is light at the end of the tunnel hence should not despair. There is need to establish respectful relationships with the stakeholders in order to contribute to the firm’s credibility. Information about the situation obtaining on the ground is very important and it should always be truthful. Capable leaders will often have a vision and emerge stronger from a financial crisis.
Friday, January 24, 2020
jet propulsion :: essays research papers
Jet Propulsion      Propulsion is a word that is derived from two Latin words: pro meaning before or forwards and pellere meaning to drive. To push forward or drive an object forward is Propulsion. A propulsion system produces thrust to push an object forward. Newton’s third law is the basis of the generation of thrust on airplanes. The engine accelerates a gas, and the reaction to this acceleration produces a force on the engine.      Different propulsion systems generate thrust in slightly different ways. That is: the propeller, the turbine engine, the ramjet, and the rocket. Each of these propulsion systems is applied everyday. The reason for four different types of engines is based on the balance of drag. Drag is what keeps planes in the air and accelerating. Thrust from the propulsion system must do two things: balance the drag of the airplane when the airplane is cruising and also the thrust from the propulsion system must exceed the drag of the airplane for the plane to accelerate.      Most airplanes spend most of their airtime cruising through the skies, such as cargo planes. In this application excess thrust is not as important as high engine efficiency and low fuel usage. Because of the aerodynamic efficiency of propellers and fans, it is more fuel efficient to accelerate a large mass by a small amount. That is why we find turboprops on cargo planes and airliners.      Some aircraft such as fighter planes require very high thrust to accelerate quickly and to overcome the high drag associated with high speeds of these airplanes, engine efficiency is not as important as very high thrust. Afterburning turbojets are used for this and a new technology called ramjet or rocket propulsion is used for this.      Well as you can see Propulsion is very important for flying through our skies.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Case Study for Midsouth Chamber
In continuance of the case of Midsouth Chamber of Commerce, the organization has appointed Sage Niele as a new Vice President of Operations and Chief Financial Official of the company. During her initial period, she looked back and contemplated about the decision she had made to accept the positions and her reasons behind it. Alongside with her internal investigation, the backstory of the significant players in the preceding case was told. The organization’s difficulties with finding a system to replace UNITRAK was described in the case.Throughout their search, the company has found DMA’s software as an alternative to UNITRAK. When the new system was implemented, plenty of flaws and glitches were found that caused several difficulties for Midsouth Chamber of Commerce. With MSCC’s signed contract with DMA, they have allowed DMA to take over and handle the installation and support of the new system. The decision made it difficult for MSCC to recover the system by t he end of the case. This left Sage Niele, the new Vice President, tried to find new ways to repair the damage done to an already defective system.Unnoticed Mistakes in Midsouth Chamber of Commerce This review of Midsouth Chamber of Commerce’s history, exposed a number of problems and errors found with the organization’s information systems and as well as its management. First was with the implementation of UNITRAK system. When the UNITRAK’s president, Greg Ginder, was invited to give a short demonstration of the system’s capabilities, Ed Wilson Vice President of Public Affairs of MSCC have agreed with Leon Lassister Vice President of Marketing/Membership to purchase and implement the UNITRAK software without completing the demonstration and testing the UNITRAK system.That quick decision later lead to discovering several problems with the UNITRAK system. The system could not fulfill requests for lists and labels for mailings. The word processing, payment a nd invoicing, data changes, and list management were very difficult during that time. With Kovecki’s frustration with UNITRAK software, he was not cooperative with Lassiter. He does not give him information regarding the conversion of the new system and he was not very helpful with the staff members because he always try to avoid them.Issues with the system remained and later on the UNITRAK experienced financial problems and filed for bankruptcy. With no technical support for the system, MSCC decided to hire an outside consultant, Zen Consulting, to help assist in the maintenance and support of the software. After UNITRAK, came the implementation of Data Management Associate’s (DMA) software. Another decision was made quickly in implementing a new system. Dick Gramen, the new Systems Analyst, failed to read and fully understand the contract provided by DMA, which outlined what DMA were willing to provide and what MSCC must guaranteed.The contract was signed by the pres ident of the company, Jack Wallingford, without being reviewed by any other staff member or the corporate counsel. Troubles have raised with the implementation of DMA software. DMA encountered substantial problems converting the membership database from UNITRAK into the DMA custom software package. MSCC and DMA’s working relationship deteriorated due to many problems not being fixed and the lack of cooperation with DMA.From this research, MSCC’s history was reviewed and specified questions were answered to analyze and gather facts that seems to cause problems to Midsouth Chamber of Commerce. Firstly, the organization’s poor operational decisions for their information systems. There was no opinion or guidance from an experienced information system professional. Secondly, the lack of proper evaluation of the research. Even if a research was performed for the new system, a research that was not reviewed, was not enough to quantify the decision to implement a system .Lastly, the mistake of not checking the content of the business contract. In any organization, it is essential that a contract needs to be reviewed by all the staff members, corporate counsel, and officers before it could be signed and implemented. Based on all the facts gathered from the research, MSCC must work on having a good and effective communication with all the stakeholders. This would avoid poor decision, unevaluated research and contract that later lead to future pitfalls and mistakes. MethodThe case was examined thoroughly to determine the cause of difficulties and errors with the organization’s information system. The history of Midsouth Chamber of Commerce was investigated and reviewed by the author to understand how well the organization manages their information systems. Several questions were gathered and carefully answered to strategically associate the findings and analyze the issues. Results The review of Midsouth Chamber of Commerce’s history and the answers for the specified questions helped gathered facts to analyze what were the real problems and what causes it.The outcome of the study have identified the following problems: organization’s poor operational decisions for their information systems; lack of proper evaluation of the research; and the mistake of not checking the content of the business contract. Discussion As mentioned, having a good and effective communication is very essential in every organization. The purpose of this study was to show what the organization was lacking, that made them experience numbers of difficulties with their information systems. Also, to demonstrate what can be done to resolve it.With the problems identified in this case, the main cause was found and it was the lack of good communication between the stakeholders. The decision to purchase an unreliable systems like UNITRAK and DMA, the research and contract not being reviewed prior to signing and implementation of the systems, al l boils down to MSCC’s poor communication. Why â€Å"lack of good communication†was the important finding of this case? According to ManagementStudyGuide. com: Thus, we can say that â€Å"effective communication is a building block of successful organizations†.In other words, communication acts as organizational blood. The importance of communication in an organization can be summarized as follows: 1. Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark. 2. Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for decision-making process as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of actions.3. Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individual’s attitudes, i.e. , a well-informed individual will have better attitude than a less-informed individual. Organizatio nal magazines, journals, meetings and various other forms of oral and written communication help in molding employee’s attitudes. 4. Communication also helps in socializing. In today’s life the only presence of another individual fosters communication. It is also said that one cannot survive without communication. If Midsouth Chamber of Commerce would apply this finding to their organization, there would be a possibility to salvage their current and future information systems.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Cocaine Is A Dangerous Addictive Drug - 1397 Words
Have you ever been on an energy high or sugar high?You think everything is funny? Are you having so much fun?So do you ever want it to stop? That is what cocaine does to you it can make everything in your life better, but only for a short amount of time.When the high fades away, you crave it some more. Cocaine is very dangerous to insert into your body in various ways. Cocaine has been around for many years it is not a newly discovered drug. There are recovery options but it can be hard to stay sober for a long period of time. Cocaine is a very addictive drug because it is a stimulant and directly dangers many parts of the body, but there is treatment although difficult. Cocaine has been around for many years and was legal in South America. In tribes in South America cocaine was used commonly. Scientist discovered that when a person died and became a mummy, cocaine could be discovered in their hair and remain there after death (west, page 25). Many old drawings also show that the people of the Moche tribe in South Africa were chewing cocaine (West, page 25). While chewing their cheeks would be full with the leaves.Also this drug took a role in religious ceremonies, for example funerals. The tribes using cocaine got taken over by the Inca Empire(West, Page 25). In the 1400s the royals were the only ones to use it and for special rituals. They figured out that there were some visual and physical powers to cocaine. They thought that cocaine was a gift from gods or goddessesShow MoreRelatedCocain and amphetamines are Addictive and Dangerous Essay556 Words  | 3 PagesCocaine and amphetamines are highly addictive and dangerous drugs that have affecte d our society today. There have been various forms of cocaine and amphetamines that have become popular and abusive throughout the United States. The forms of cocaine are: powder and crack, and these two forms are seen as highly dangerous to the individuals that abuse it. 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